Here are the rules for a cavatina again, in convenient list form:
1. You pick the number of quatrains (4-line stanzas); end your poem with a couplet (2-line stanza);
2. The couplet expresses strong emotion or opinion;
3. The rhyme scheme is XAXA / XBXB / XCXC / … / DD, where “X” means the line doesn’t need to rhyme at all;
4. Each quatrain (four-line stanza) has 2 uneven couplets; 1st in iambic pentameter and 2nd in iambic dimeter;
5. Ending couplet has 2 lines of rhymed iambic pentameter.http://mindlovemiserysmenagerie.wordpress.com/2014/11/15/bj-shadorma-beyond-november-15-2014/
Originally posted on Mindlovemisery's Menagerie:
Hello Everybody!
First of all a special thanks to all of you who participated last week! You did a great job some of you took up the challenge of writing an original poem in trochaic meter, some straight shadorma and yet others mixed the two … but each of you did a fantastic job. So let’s give ourselves a big applause!
Remember the trochaic foot went:
Tell me not in mournful numbers
- the stress being on the first of the two syllables in the metric foot.
The more common iambic foot ( a metric foot is two syllables btw) is an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable. Syllables my friends not words …
That time of year thou mayst in me behold.
Now in the trochaic example I used a tetrameter line that is 4 trochees in 8 syllables … in the iambic example I used a…
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Tagged: bj's shadorma & beyond, cavatina, Mindlovemisery's Menagerie, reblog, writing